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The North-South Economic and Cultural Development Agency (ADEC-NS) obtained special consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 2008.

ADEC-NS contributes to UN missions in different fields such as economic, educational and culture by organizing missions and B2B meetings abroad. Our NGO participates in social progress but also in economic and cultural development of partners countries. These exchanges are beneficial for all parties involved.

ADEC-NS works for the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 1,7 and 8.

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  > Declaration of ADEC-NS with ECOSOC at the Annual Ministerial Review, April 22, 2013 <
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Several multisectoral missions worked to achieve the MDG:

  • Istanbul, Republic of Turkey: November 23-26, 2008
  • Tashkent, Uzbekistan: March 28-April 1, 2010
  • Tashkent, Uzbekistan: June 28-July 2, 2010
  • Budapest and Debrecen, Hungary:  October 16-20, 2011
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  • MDG 1  (Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger)
    • Target 1.B :

Through the missions organized by ADEC-NS, agreements between French, Turkish, Uzbek, and Hungarian universities have been signed in order to increase the quality of the education and to facilitate access to employment.

  • MDG 7  (Ensure environmental sustainability)
    • Target 1 :

Agreements have been signed between French and foreign companies, respectively to develop integrate farming in Turkey, to intensify actions that will promote environment protection and water management in Hungary, and to develop the agricultural sector in Uzbekistan.

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  • MDG 8  (Global partnership for development)

Countries that ADEC-NS works with have benefited from technology and/or knowledge transfers in aeronautic, health, aerospace, and agricultural sectors.

  • Target 2: The ADEC-NS participated in the establishment of commercial and financial agreements between Uzbekistan and France
  • Target 4: Health French actors participated in ADEC-NS missions to Turkey, Uzbekistan and Hungary to establish partnership agreements.
  • Target 5: The technology transfer in the field of information technology and communication were carried out in Uzbekistan and Turkey, through ADEC-NS